An extendedversion of "Lol", said only by Danish Pedophiles
"Oh Man i just got pwnted"
"Ha ha ha, Lawle!"
by Nerd basher joe March 15, 2004
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Lawl is "Lol" usually the way it is pronouced. I use this word when I want to say Lol, except I'm not litterally laughing out loud, thus giving the word more importance.
David: My family pisses me off. I want to kill them.

Justin: Lawl.
by Justerbuster June 11, 2008
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avoiding the task you have to do by purposely doing anything else
Go do your homework, stop lawling around.
by saltnvinegar15 March 29, 2020
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Laugh All Weird Like. Similar to LOL
by eGeekster September 5, 2017
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often used as a replacement to the word LOL the word Lawl has no relevance or relationship to the acronym laugh out loud but is mostly used by people trying to emphazise the 'aw' sound. It can also be said in a very sarcastic tone for extra effect
Lawl I pwned some noob on counter strike;

or after a sentence

I didnt do my english assignment, that fat hussey is gonna crack it, Lawl
by sickdefinition October 29, 2007
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Verbal pronounciantion of LOL.
Lawl, I almost PMSL when he passed out on cam and fell off that chair.
by JCroce September 8, 2008
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