To tickle ones kipper means to give a boy a hand job.
Jesse: i saw you with that dude last night, what happened?
Ellen: oh you know the usual
Jesse: youu tickle the kipper?
Ellen: ohh yeaaa
by Jokes4ufolks October 1, 2009
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After you've given a dirty woman a good old fingering and what not. waking up in the morning to find that your hands stink of sea fish.
Denim: "fukin hell, my hands stick of kipper"
Neil: "some would say you have kipper mits"
by simowazere September 11, 2008
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Post coital state of a lady having engaged in a vigourous encounter with a gentleman of some proportion
Agnes: Awrite Senga, how did ye get oan wi' Boabie last night?

Senga: Aye, fine... Bit aff mer than ah could chew like. Ah'm burst like a kipper so ah am!

Agnes: Ya durty bint. Well played.
by 429qa May 23, 2008
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to vigorously insert one's fist into a female's genitalia
ooooh ay, i split ya ma's kipper last night.
by pablo dahill's ma October 2, 2003
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How a londoner says 'cup of tea'.
Want a kipper tie my old badger?
by le hizzle February 26, 2008
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