When someone says your dick is three inches you reply, "Yeah, from the ground!"
Matt: Your dick is three inches.
Devon: Yeah, from the ground!
by Mister D October 16, 2004
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Term of describing a slow, nonathletical person playing a 3vsv3 basketball shooting game, the ground king always fails to attempt an ally oop because of its unnatural behavior, not a very good word to be said to anyone, but it's a highly accurate and unconventional term to define an athlete.
A: ahhhehehhhHAwhrhr AHAHHh shit sorry man, cant ally it in
B: iknow u cant, ur the ground king
by roflroflroflrofl March 17, 2008
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A beast of Korean descent that is only able to travel on its guts or stomach. Using its legs as rudders it slowly clutters along whilst scraping its underbelly on the ground. A Ground Klutz easily evolves into a traffic slug when attempting to cross a road. Ground Klutz’s maintain a strict diet of Mc Donald's Frozen Coke and Menz Fruit Chocks; this enables the Klutz to continue its horrific hormonal educed rage. This rage is much like an EMP Missile, but instead of disabling all electronic equipment in vicinity, all nearby living creatures are Klutz upon with verbal slander, horrific claw attacks and psychological ensembles. The Klutz may also attain a bond with a victim of the opposite sex and of any species, harvesting all assets and creating a plasma shield that ensures an eternal bond against the victims will.
"Hey mummy, how come bowl's of rice can walk, oh never mind that’s a Ground Klutz with a Versace handbag. What a star! Just like Sarah Jessica Parker!"
by alpinesorcery February 15, 2009
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A person taht got gold in their mouth, hat turned sidewayz, pantz on teh ground. And act like they sum kewl catz lookin like sum fools, and walkz downtown with their pantz on the ground.
Pants on the ground is one of the most genius rap songs out there (well at least better than lil wayne) :P
by 10pm January 29, 2010
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The presence of the popular sandal at an event or gathering. The preferred footwear for hippies, lesbians, old people and preppies.
"There were plenty of Birkenstocks on the ground at the Berkeley alumni reunion."
by yes juanito yes October 13, 2014
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Long story short,don’t fuck with it,if you do your gonna loose your legs and maybe your arms
“It’s over Anakin I have the high ground”-Obi Wan

“You under estimate my power”-Anakin

Anakin jumps and obi wan cuts his arms and legs off and Anakin burns alive.
by The:_Senate May 10, 2021
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What everyone wants, but few have mastered. It is essential in combat when one may find themself in a dangerous position. It is also a good battle tactic. By flaunting it, you can trick someone into trying to get there, and then cut their legs off.
Teacher: So, what's a special skill you have?
New student: I have.......... the high ground.
Everyone: *le gasp*
by starwars10101 April 22, 2022
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