A somewhat mythical creature that was said to be slayed by european knights in medieval times, and were regarded as a symbol of good luck to the Chinese.

I just think they are really awesome.
Note: The below is in my Christian Creationist view, dont read this if you Are offended with my viewpoints. I am bombarded with evolutionist viewpoints on the internet each day, allow me to have my viewpoints, if you'd be so kind:

The Bible was known to mention dragons. In fact the old testament mentions the word dragon 21 times, take note of the mentioning specifically in the book of Job.

Take note that Job is the oldest book in the Bible:

Job 40:19 And of the leviathan, the greatest of the ocean animals, God said that even the leviathan could not "stand before me" Job 41:34,10

(The leviathan, also called a dragon, was noted as one of the greatest beasts, along with the behemoth, in the Old testement.)

Job was more than likely mentioning of the Dinosaurs that were living in his time.

Or, more specifically Job was probably mentioning a Whale (Hebrews translates this is "tanniynim" literally translated as Dragon, but this cant be as Job 41:1-34 mentions the Leviathan as a firebreather, (which is not surprising, as there is a beetle today which has an explosive-causing mechanism.)

The flame-breathing aspect of the above was probably a plesiosaur.
by Not Zane August 17, 2004
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John's wife caught John dragoning his new Corvette.
by s12dave December 24, 2009
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1.to have foul breath
2.to push off a strong redolance when you talk
dang homie! you got the dragon. here's a tick tak
by Hipityhopitymtea May 24, 2003
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Fire-breathing creatures with large bat-like wings, scaly bodies, four legs, and a head, sometimes two. Thought to be around since dinosaur times.
Me:Dragons are real!!! I saw one yesterday when I was drunk!!!
by BLOODY REVENGE July 3, 2005
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When a guy drags his balls across a girls face.
by lilpeanuts July 11, 2011
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After giving a blowjob, the woman takes the load in her mouth, then immediately sneezes or in some way willingly forces the semen back out through her nostrils, making it look like a dragon breathing flames. This is typically accentuated with a grunt or a roaring sneeze for added effect.
Guy: "Yo man, you get with Sam yet?"

Dude: "Yea man, she gave me the the dragon."

Guy: "No shit?"

Dude: "Yea she roared and breathed all over my junk. I survived."

Guy: "Lucky!"
by KCTC March 6, 2008
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