Saggy breasts that droop down near the belly button.

I bet that girl in the bikini has ethiopian dirt draggers.
by BeasterBastard October 12, 2005
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A ghetto hoe who wears shoes that are too small for her feet and once worn long enough, her feet become black on the bottom and she also fucks for free.
Tell your boyfriend to stop calling me like I'm one of those free fucking foot draggers that he talks to!
by Myassshurttz29 May 8, 2010
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occurs when you have shit so much in the toilet that your knuckles scrape against the mountain of feces while wiping
my shits are so enormous they cause me to have knuckle draggers!
by Gus Alfrey August 31, 2021
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Knuckle Dragger is a term used to describe a old school Correction Officer who in their early days of Corrections used brut strength over knowledge and skill.
Look at Jack he was once a old school knuckle Dragger CO! He use to use brut strength to deal with inmates, now he’s a skill Corrections professional!
by Hankscolts February 22, 2018
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Simply put, a knuckle dragger is a skier's term for someone who snowboards. And for that I will always be a proud knuckle dragger!
That knuckle dragger is way cooler than me and my ski poles.
by BoysATimeBomb February 16, 2021
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Someone who expresses un-evolved views often and will try to force them on others.
99 out of 100 scientists in the world believe in climate change while the other is a real knuckle-dragger.
by jon doeh February 20, 2016
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