a woman who gives head in exchange for drugs, or bill payments
She doesn't have to pay for cable because she's a chickenhead.
by B April 16, 2005
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Insignificant person to an event or conversation. Does not have the intelligence to comprehend their opinions of the topics.
She’s a chickenhead always seeing herself in a place she has no knowledge of.
by YOBIAHH September 21, 2020
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A person who knows too little to comment or give an opinion. They see themselves into others business when not having a clue of what is going on.
The chickenhead placed herself in my business when she can’t mind her own.
by YOBIAHH September 21, 2020
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Any hip hop singer who uses derogatory terms for women
"Did you hear Turbobutmasters latest song? Fuck he hates women. Yeah what a chickenhead"
by TorBloke September 14, 2018
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A derogatory term to describe a person's head movements when they become angry, namely back and forth, side to side, and head cocked at an angle, that bear some similarities to a chicken's head movements. Originally a country or southern epithet, it has increasingly made its way into larger metropolitan areas.
"Two chicks got in an argument on the bus, I thought they were gonna fight, but all they did was chickenhead at each other."

"Get your chickenheaded attitude out of my face and go calm down."

"I got home late last night and my girlfriend was waiting up and she went all chickenhead on me."
by Rex T May 9, 2014
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An individual, usually female, who has sex with anybody in the neighborhood. A neighborhood whore.
For example, one who is known for giving head to all the guys she can possibly screw with in the hood (i.e., brothers, cousins, old and young men etc...).
by SHarris April 22, 2004
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Another word 4 an hoe or a girl that likes to f*** and suck
Look at dat chickenhead across da street
by Lil JuJu Twin February 26, 2006
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