
One who excessively drinks large amounts of Coca Cola despite the negative effects, such as sleep deprivation, excessively being hyper, and rotting teeth.

It's worth it.

You know it.
Jen is a chain coker; that is her tenth coke of the day! No wonder she is constantly awake!
by XakaiXameX February 21, 2009
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when one person vomits in a room, and weaker stomach individuals view it and follow suit. Then people see all the puking and it seems to never cease.
John: Hey can you bllahh(vomits)

Sally: did you see thaaaahhh(vomits)

Bystanders (Vomit)

John: I started a Vomit-chain!!!
by Jack Sonnings March 6, 2009
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A chain of 10 links or more, typically made of the most exotic metals, hanging from ones taint.
My taint chain goes hard
by Bufonics January 4, 2018
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When one kid copies answers from a smart kid in class, then another kid copies from him/her, and the someone copies off the kid who copied off the kid who copied from the smart kid, etc.

Eventually having everyone in the cheat chain having the smart kids answers, ideal for desks set in rows.
I'm really glad we organized that cheat chain on Friday, I actually have a chance of not failing.
by Gmagnum GJA February 25, 2009
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One who put chains on cars on the side of the freeway during a snow storm for meager pay. They wear the yellow rain suits like crab fisherman most of the time, with duck tape around the knees.
I was nice and warm, smoking a blunt on the way to tahoe, and I didn't want to get out, so a payed a chain monkey to put my chains on my car. I tipped him with kush.
by Frisco Kid 415 December 23, 2012
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The human act of hibernation in the winter. The incumbent deadbeat (mason,landscaper, construction worker) cant work when the snows on the ground so they chain- chode. They chain smoke, chain eat and turn into a chode on the couch. Also known as c pepping. ( c peps )
When erin got back from her liposuction appointment looking all sluggish she asked derek J why he was chain-choding. Derek J replied my queen tips provide the milk for the winter so I slap on my yamica and chain- chode all winter long.
by Brad Polino January 3, 2013
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The most annoying thing on the planet. You'll probably get one in your email, and it will probably tell you to repost it, or something bad will happen. But it's not real, so don't repost that bullshit.
If you ignore this you WILL die. Repost this on five different sites and you will be kissed by your crush. I you don't, you will have your face ripped off in your sleep.

Not a good example of chain mail, but there it is.
by The Herp of All Derps December 14, 2014
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