When you eat like shit but also tryna get lean af.
Andy: "Aye bro you got a side of broccoli with those donuts?"
Tyler: "Yeah it's called a fuckin lean bulk."
by foxda5th August 23, 2017
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When you go to random websites and submit your name multiple times so a Treddie can't google your name.
Hehe,I did nothing but Google Bulking last night, I commented my name on 50 AOL News Stories so that treddie cant get to me!
by Erik Ehlert April 14, 2008
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Telecommunication technicians terminology for taking a shit.
Hey bro, when the satellite signal comes back in switch us from legacy interface to Asynchronous Transfer Mode! I'll be back in 10, I gotta make a bulk data transfer.
by Spc Tuna October 5, 2011
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A fat, balding alcoholic with an IQ level of 70 (functional retard) who can’t get it up, keep it up, or satisfy.
see Noodle
"Kenya is bulk pickup trash that’s sleeping with a noodle".
by ticleme October 24, 2008
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When someone quits the office, and the staff throws a pizza party for everyone in their honor. However, you have to pay $5 for crappy greasy cheese pizza, and everyone grabs as much pizza as quick as possible in order to make it worth their $5.
Andrew: "Sarah, are you going to pay $5 for that pizza lunch today? Gross. I'm just really not in the mood for bulk pizza eating"
by SarahHeels1 March 26, 2007
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ability to actually ignore/like bulk (fat) and get to the "heart of the matter" (i.e. great personality, and/or to the orifice/tube)
black guys quite often have really good bulk bypass skills!

he didn't have very good bulk bypass skills, preferring the feel of a 'tight' body.

she had terrible bulk bypass skills, even though she was 300lbs!!

steve STRONGLY disliked slim women, he had good bulk bypass skills...
by michael foolsley August 4, 2011
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The act of candy-bagging with multiple partners. An orgy. "Bagging" a large amount of "candy" at once.
"Dude, I am gonna bag some bulk candy tonight"

"You bagged some candy last night!? Did you buy in bulk!?"
by Murjangles DeFrank May 5, 2005
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