Expletive to be used when a simple "Shit!" just won't cut the mustard.
Oh buggering arseholes, I've sent the porn subscription to Aunt Mabel and the get well soon card to Paul Raymond Publishing.
by mockschmock December 12, 2006
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Slimy post sex residue that leads to vaginal squelching for a short time afterwards. Can also be used as a derogative term for anyone you dont like. Can also be pronounced "booergooer Peerst". Rt.Hon Sir Toby and Miklitoris
Did you just follow through dear? Oh no, its just bugger paste darling.
by Sir Toby October 10, 2005
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The art of emptying a residential wheely bin on the residents property whilst banging on the door and shouting "bugger the cat" in a loud manner
Alreet mate, do you fancy a game of "bugger the cat" in the posh estate?
by Hewmarra January 4, 2021
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A large, often hairy, man who plays rugby for some local or regional club, is built like a brick house privy, and after the game retires to the pub with the rest of the team to sing rude songs and tell blue jokes.

"OH! Football is for poofters
And tennis is for queers
Cricket is for batty boys
who take it up the rears
Golfers bite their pillows
And swimmers do the same
But! We are proper men because RUGBY is our game!"


"You're a rugger bugger, intcha?"
by KHD August 27, 2003
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Australian slang that has various meaning = From a deceitful bastard that somehow managed to get the better of you, right through to a mate that embarrassed you with a joke about you.
Could be your dog continuously jumping the fence & escaping .
Cheeky Bugger is slightly less offensive than Cheeky Bastard that has very similar meaning.
Hey bloke, that was a good one ,taken the piss out me like that ya "cheeky bugger"
by true blue cobba February 3, 2021
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