You will never want to be around a Brooklyn. Brooklynn’s (or Brooke’s for short) will be very manipulative and tend to play victim quite well. Brooklynn’s are the spawns of satan and will use you until you can no longer give what they want. Brooklynns will sleep with anyone they can no matter the looks and then leave right after without a trace left behind. Beware of Brooklynn’s, they will turn on you in an instant and also sleep with your boyfriend/ girlfriends! They tend to believe everything should just be handed to them in life and most more than half end up becoming low life crack heads under a bridge but with entitlement!
Example- “OMG! did you hear what Brooklynn did?!”
Response- “Who did she sleep with now?”
by Wyeyeyeyyryrieieiw June 24, 2021
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Addicted with Daryl. Constantly gets back with Daryl cause she got heart eyes for him and he her adwowable pwooh bwear. She sent nudes to him but keep saying she didn’t and she cappin on her name, and she get salty when you say sumn that speakin fax
She a Brooklynn for Daryl
by FactSpeaker132 April 16, 2020
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Brooklynn is obsessed with her boyfriend. She is a controlling piece of work and don't ever date one. She will get rid of all of your friends and no one will want to talk to you. If you ever date a Brooklynn, well... good luck charlie.
"Omg Brooklynn is such a bitch and she's so controlling"
by swaggy person:) January 1, 2022
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A bad ass fukin Bitch that keeps your Secrets and is crazy!


Fuck every person that ever doughts me! Fuck you Bitches
Brooklynn Is a Bitch and a BAD ASS
by BrooklynnISABADBITCH June 3, 2022
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“You have any leftovers? Give them to Brooklynn!”
by Hmmmmmmyeaokay November 22, 2021
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The most imperfect perfect person you will ever meet! Beautiful is an understatement, courage to overcome any obstacle, a mother that loves her child with out limits and smile that will make you forget about any hardships
After meeting brooklynn deshai my life took meaning
by Tz85 August 29, 2023
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Brooklynn and Leo are just a better couple than anyone out there, and shes hot asf
by Brooklynn is a w September 7, 2022
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