Someone obsessed with female-fronted rock bands, usually male.

Often abbreviated to "GBG," a girl-band geek is someone who prefers bands led by women over bands led by men, often to the point of critically accepting or rejecting bands solely based on the gender of their members, rather than on their talents or productions.
Terry's such a GBG that the only time he listened to Black Flag is when Kira Rosselaer played with them...
by SG Fan October 31, 2004
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A Dork, Nerd, Douchebag, Fucktard! Spends all their time talking worthless band smack. Moves in odd clicks only with other band geeks. A hater of sports or anyone with atletic ability. The douchebag that always got their books and that lame ass instrument case slapped out of their hands in school. Non-Pussy getter unless a trick within the nerd click is handin it out. Thinks anyone NOT in the band is a loser. Can't dress for shit. Always look out for floods, white high-top Reebok shoes from the 1980's, shitty hair style, taped glasses frame, possibly a pocket protector with an exploded pen stain on the pocket. Things killer bands like Metallica, Slayer, Ozzy, Staind and Alice in Chains are lame. A band geek can always play the Barney song on their instrument. Blogs with other band geeks about sheet music and band camp experiences. Has only seen pussy when his mom gets out of the shower. Thinks condoms are flute covers. Need I say more?
Kill- "Yo, Band Geek..come over here douchebag!"

Band Geek- "Um, I'm late for band practice and my bike has a flat tire."

Kill- "Get in my trunk fuckface, I'll drop you off!"

Band Geek- "Um ok."

by Kill1349Chief February 3, 2009
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The group of band junkies who either spend way to much time with the opposite sex, probably in the band room, or have watched way too much American Pie. The boys can often be caught sticking their junk in the Oboe or constructing a complex diagram of the choreography for their next competition thingy. The girls can be seen playing their saxophone or "blowing the flute," which they bring a whole new meaning to.
Sexually Active Band Geeks: "This one time, at band camp, I stuck my flute in my p***y."
by jfiehgrvhiuve May 20, 2013
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Micah and Ava. Who are always making out in da hallway
Micah and Ava are always playing tonsil hockey. They are what Janice Ian would call 'Sexually Active Band Geeks'
by Myles07 May 24, 2022
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Someone who is in love with marching band, and concert band. They want to devote most of their time to their band. They are true to form if all they talk about is band. They play any instrument in band from tuba to flute. They tend to hang around people who are a lot like them. Band is something they want to die doing, they can't be stopped. Their life revolves around band.
That girl is so addicted to playing the snare drum, she's a real band geek.
by Mr. Buttzzzzzzzzzzzz January 22, 2017
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The best Spongebob episode to have ever been conceived. It aired in season 2 and hasn't been topped ever since. It has the best quotes to be told to one's friend. It also has one of the best endings rocking "Sweet Victory" Infront of a giant stadium. If anyone has another episode as their favorite they are fucking wrong and if they still think they are right tell them to stop talking and leave the premise immediately

Also #RipStephenHillenburg
Person 1(Idiot): Dude I think season 3 had the best episodes of all time
Person 2(not an Idiot): WHAT!? Bro easily Band Geeks is the best episode!
Person 1(still an Idiot): but I like-
Person 2(still not an idiot): Dude just go. just go. there isn't room for people like you here. leave!
by Jottys January 30, 2019
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