A band geek is someone who everyday of their lives, is thinking about marching band. Who everyday during third period play their show instead of paying attention to the class. A band geek, is someone who embraces the fact that they ARE a band geek. a Band geek is someone who will fight at every practice with their best friend, and be best friends again the next day! Because all band geeks, especially drummers, think they are always right!
Chritopher: Were Colleen and Hillary fighting again?

William: Yep I think they were.

Christopher: Then why are they hugging now?

William: They are band geeks!

Christopher: Yeah!
by Colliferferfrous November 2, 2007
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Only the greatest episode of Spongebob Squarepants ever to be made I can't believe I have to write the first definition for this. In Band Geeks, Squidward assembles a band which at first is bad but when they play sweet victory at the end, they are so good that {Squilliam has a heart attack
Me and the bros watched Band Geeks yesterday and it was totally hype
by ThePurpleDoggo April 28, 2020
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someone who lives for band... monday band tuesday band wednesday band... thurday band... and guess what friday and saturday... band.... wait no band on sunday what do i do?
a frech horn player in the bhs band (katie michales) trst me she is the definition of band geek!
by tuba123 October 30, 2009
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1. the bandhall is their 2nd home
2.the good ones arnt geeks, but very talented smart, sometimes popular
3. glare if choir, theatre, or non-band people are in their hall
4. theres are at least 2 freshman whores
5.tend to get horny on busses and trips
6.about 50% get high 2 or more times a day
7.can change their clothes in front of others without a care
8.misses lots of school
9. principal is thier bitch
10. used to passing out, blacking out, spending 8 hrs in the hot summer w/o food or water
The fact that all band kids are geeks is definitly a sterotype, as i am not.
This one time at band camp
by I dunno what is my name? November 22, 2004
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one who is enamored with, and lives , eats, sleeps and for all over intensive purposes is infected by the band.
a band geeks profile status, today: woke up for band,put on band uniform, played in the parade with the band, took off band uniform,ate lunch with other "bandies", put on band uniform, played pre game with the band, played half'time with the band, took a nap at band in the middle of the football game with like 50 other "bandies", took off band uniform, ate supper with the "bandies." I love band
by britishbuegler October 10, 2010
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A high school student who is involved with the school band (usually marching band). These students are often think that band is the best thing in the world and are usually very snotty and condescending to outsiders who think otherwise. They often skip classes in order to be in the band room like chorus geeks. These students are often condemned to having EXTREME social awkwardness and making EXCESSIVE lame inside jokes that aren't even remotely funny, it's almost like they're autistic. Usually there is an alpha nerd who is basically the center of attention. The alpha is either the biggest douchebag in the entire world but on rare occasions, they're actually cool and funny. Male band geeks often hug and grope female band geeks, the girls don't mind because they probably think that they're gay. Band geeks absolutely despise guitarists, they reject anybody with a rock 'n' roll approach to music, but they fucking worship the jazz band guitarist. The jazz guitarist is usually THE biggest douche of them all because he thinks that he's better than all other guitarists in the school. Being in a music theory class with these jack-offs is fucking torture because if you're the one person in that entire class that isn't in band, you're the odd man out, stuck in a fucking classroom for an hour listening to their shitty jokes, them going "AW!" when you ask a question that all of them know the answer to, and their shitty conversations!
Band Geek: How come you don't join band?

Me: Because I like the freedom to improvise, write my own songs, practice whenever I want, and not become a fucking band geek!
by DrFingerGood July 21, 2011
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Crazy people who have been known to mess around on busses, esspecailly ones going to MICCA :) (You know who you are!!)
by SouthSideChillin June 11, 2003
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