t h e p o w e r o f a t h o u s a n d asdf g o o g l e s e a r c h e s

This phrase is so powerful, that even Google crumbles under it's reign! When you search this word, you get less than 5 results! The definition of this phrase is as follows: "HELP ME I AM BoReD OUT OF MY MIND I nEeD MEDICAL HeLp"

Sidenote: If you delete the "asdf " at the beginning, the phrase loses most of it's power, and only means "im kinda bored lol".


The documentary of communism ~ Netflix
My friend ~ My friend's mom
You: asdf jkla;sdf jkla;sdf jakl;d fdsfasfdsajksla; fjdkls;a fjdkl;a fjkld;sa jfkdl;a jfkdl;sa fjkl;a jklfd;as jkfdsl;a jfkl;sa fjkd;lsa
datboi567: omg ill come over asap
You: omg thank ya senpai
by ___giantpotato June 12, 2018
Get the asdf jkla;sdf jkla;sdf jakl;d fdsfasfdsajksla; fjdkls;a fjdkl;a fjkld;sa jfkdl;a jfkdl;sa fjkl;a jklfd;as jkfdsl;a jfkl;sa fjkd;lsa mug.
Asdf Is are Comedy Videos That are made by TomSka. They are in the QWERTY Keyboard Below Q, W, E, R, T, And Y.
Here is one Of the Things that TomSka Said
Asdf Quote Below

Hey Whatya get for your birthday? I got older! UOHHOH Turns old* AHHHHH That Was Weird
by I Love The Porn Hub Intro November 19, 2020
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Short animated clips compiled into short videos.

asdf was made by tomska.
by Doom Ant July 13, 2021
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a word you get when you click four keys in a certain order also (👍≖‿‿≖)👍 👍(≖‿‿≖👍)

also nice word
by June 22, 2021
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asdf is an almighty being sent from the heavens above and will send satin from the fiery gates of hell to continuously torture you if you dare insult his being. asdf is so powerful that he could grab Zeus, beat his ass and then curb stomp him out the front of that alleyway that you found that white van in and then force him to get into the van and drive off a cliff. whatever you do, don't challenge the almighty asdf.
aww fuck is asdf he gonna beat my ass for me calling him a gay cunt.
by boo-99 May 12, 2021
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well asdf is asdf when you adsf you asdf
asdf asdf asdf asdf
by you poopie head December 3, 2020
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