A previously undead being or entity that has been "killed" and has had its animation removed.
Dude! Check out that un-undead zombie! I totally took its head off with my shotgun.
by Bunglewood June 30, 2008
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A band that's genre is neither rock, nor rap. It's members were probably bullied in childhood, or had abusive parents and are now pretending to be badass and heartless, but are pussies in disguise. Their auditory is mainly composed of self absorbed emo teens with narcissistic tendencies with low self-esteem and a fragile ego.
Dude 1: "Hey man, do you listen to Hollywood Undead, they are soooo badsass!!!"
Dude 2: "Bro, are you fo' real? I don't listen to fake ass bitches..."
by KoolDude92 December 27, 2021
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A band who sings about drugs, sex, death, pills, suicide, and alcohol.
Guy 1: Have you heard Hollywood Undeads' new album, all it is about sex and drugs.

Guy 2: Yeah, I love that album.
by jdog71897 June 21, 2011
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A group that brings shame to the rap metal game. With 6 rappers who say that they're from the bloods gang trying to sound metal but instead sound more like the hip-hop radio bullshit I hear every f*cking day. I'm tired of all the same wanna-be big dick rapper shit like the songs "Bitches" and "Everywhere I Go". Saying that everywhere they go/bitches love 'em. How can bitches love u if you're wearing a f*cking mask and they don't know your face. And the whole wearing mask thing is getting REALLY old too (P.S. they stole their album title 'Swan Songs' from Led Zeppelin. And they're next album had a cover of Motley Crue's 'Shout at the Devil'...WTF??).
1970's: Alice Cooper and KISS wear makeup
1980's: Glam Metal kicks in with MORE makeup and King Diamond incorporates the mask gimik
1994: Mushroomhead comes out with 8 guys and all wearing masks
1999: SlipKnoT comes out with 9 guys and all wearing masks to get into a dark mood for a heavier feel and concert going experience
2007: Bullshit Hollywood Undead comes out with 6 guys and all wearing masks saying they're from "the ghetto" wearing masks because they think it looks cool and want to make a fashion statement for their music.
by LIMPbizkit13 February 10, 2010
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Usually called 1337 or leet. Loyal to The Tech Game and hates 7s. Never leeches and never fames or scamms. Will unleash 1337 on anyone who flames.
UnDead-Swagga is on The Tech Game when a flamer from 7s signs up and flames eveyone. UnDead-Swagga unleashes 1337 powers on the flamer.
by UnDead-Swagga April 18, 2011
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