The color of nature. Sponsor color for reusing, redusing, and recycling to help the planet.
"Why do we have to recycle anyway?"
"It's the school's way of going green."
by Jesse Rae August 6, 2009
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someone who's selfish or does something wrong or mean
she doesn't let me visit my dogs anymore , that green bitch.
by thetruthugh March 18, 2019
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Something that's either really good or really bad from context.
Fred: My girlfriend just dumped me for my bestfriend
Bob: That's green man
by aes January 10, 2004
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1. To be ready or pumped

2. The same as sick, cool, sweet, good...
1. 'You green for the party tonight?'

2. 'Jamie's party last night was totally green'
by DocT1! April 28, 2010
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When you smoked too much weed and you are IN your own world without realizing the reality.
Stoned Emma uttered out a sentence responding to a conversation she is having in her head.

She is having her green in moment.

Bob greened in last night!
by Illiam November 30, 2014
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1. a color 2. a term for nausea 3. a word that assholes use to describe any ostentatious effort to aid the environment.
1. Look, that car is green! 2. Man, I feel green. 3. Hey guys, I'm an asshole cause I'm going green!
by izack!!! April 22, 2008
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To Be Mean or Fresh
First Guy: Yo Sheneequa being green, she aint let me fuck

Second Guy: HAHAH
by AC May 10, 2003
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