A name meaning palm tree in hebrew. Also a very well rounded person.
See that girl, her name is tamara, she is well rounded
by Caseysgirl May 25, 2006
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bruh i just found out that they changed katara’s name in the greek dub to tamara wielder of the white boy
Katara (tamara in GREEK DUB)
Avatar: The Last Airbender :female:
Animanga roulette :no_entry_sign: ($tw) · 343:kakera:
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bruh i just found out that they changed katara’s name in the greek dub to tamara
by balls*  May 7, 2021
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obsessive TV fanatic, especially for Scandal, Being Mary Jane, Law & Order: SVU, NCIS, Once Upon A Time; says guess what guys in a hyper tone; inflicts physical pain when she gets excited like squeezing of the arm; ca€l€ls someone's name repetitively
What's with you and these TV shows? You definitely have Tamaraitis.
by Analyst242 May 20, 2014
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To observe other students at school while being sick at home
1: Dude, I saw Jonathan yesterday!
2: Really?
3: He wanted To tamara me!
by germantimothy November 23, 2021
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A subject in which the teacher's name is Tamara.
Person 1: Hey are you excited for English?
Person 2: You mean Tamara Time? Heck yeah!
by Worst Governor Andrew Cuomo March 19, 2021
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WOOP! It’s Tamara Day! We celebrate all Tamaras/Tamoras/Temaras in the world. Tamara means “palm tree” which is symbolic for their beautiness. It’s on March 1 every year and it’s time to PARTAYYYYYYYYY BABY! All Tamaras/Tamoras/Temaras are beautiful no matter what!

Friend: Guess what day it is today?
Tamara: Umm, idk
All Friends of Tamara: IT’S TAMARA DAY! WE LOVE YOU!!!
Tamara: You guys are the best! I love you too!!!!
by Unknown Birb September 8, 2020
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A Dirty Tamara is when in mid-coitus the recipient leaps from the bed laughs maniacally at their partner while pelting them with strawberry jello shots. After a half a dozen or so the person jumps back into bed as if nothing happened picking up where they left off.
My partner said they wanted a surprise so I did the Dirty Tamara. She was stoked!
by Winkerbean September 8, 2021
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