No defined meaning. Sentence enhancer. Makes any sentence sound like you're fucked up on some kinda of intoxicant. Copy written by Nigga Skiz0tt D.
hey yo lets be off this bizz squee ass place.

How you bizz squee?
by Skiz0tt April 17, 2006
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You are so excited that you are squealing and peeing in your pants.
I was so excited meeting RPattz that I was squeeing in my pants.
by Suzie55 December 3, 2010
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Exclamation for when "OMG" is just not enough to express the surprise of the the moment.
Person 1: I just found a wall charger that works with my iPad!

Person 2: O-M-SQUEE!!!
by pseudostar432 January 22, 2011
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When a human strongly believes that they are a turtle. (usually found on the streets in big cities)
"Oh pity, there's another manturtle mc squee"
by Qmlhunter January 14, 2021
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I love my Squee! Squee! Squee! hehe disgust Angie! I LOVE MY SQUEE!!!
by Cameron January 5, 2005
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The deafening almost physical wave of noise made by thousands of tween girls attending a large concert that happens as a boy-band takes the stage.
I almost died from the squee wave as One Direction took the stage.
by The Gleeper February 24, 2020
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The Squee Squad is the fan base of a YouTuber by the name of NumbNexus.
“Hey, do you watch NumbNexus?”

“Yeah, why?”

You’re definitely a part of the Squee Squad”
by Zathoss September 25, 2018
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