the act of hitting one piece of metal with another, bigger piece of metal...

Smithing is def the most useful skill in Skyrim.
by zia sparx October 30, 2017
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S.M.I.T.H, an acronym for Shoot Me In The Head. To be used at the end of a statement dealing with something unpleasant or undesirable.

Derived from smh.
Joe: "Hey man, what are you doin' tonight?"
Kyle: "A ten-page paper for english, two chapters of history, and three pages of algebra. smith."
by K. Cannibal November 30, 2011
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A women's college in Northampton, MA. One of the highest-ranked colleges in the nation. Known for its all-around academic excellence as well as its beautiful campus.
This is about Smith.
by kumquats March 22, 2005
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1)someone with the inability to use brains for the right things despite the capability
2)someone with total lack of sense
walking on such a high bar to show off. you're totally smith
by 2amith2 July 30, 2017
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To show up at a party with no beer and drink everyone else's.
Dave, why do you smith all my beer instead of just buying your own.?!
by BrowndogKA April 9, 2016
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An unoffensive black man whose popularity with suburban white kids/housewives is only equaled by Wayne Brady. Later in his career, he established himself as a decent actor but may be ultimately remembered best for inoffensive pop-rap (even my mom told me I could listen to him growing up, but I wasn't that big of a pussy) and "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air", which is kind of like the Cosby Show, except it was only watched by white people.
Will Smith is a castrated version of Ice-T and Ice Cube.
by JohnJF April 10, 2008
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To scratch or rub the pubic or anal areas with one's finger to obtain the scent for self analysis, also called the 'scratch and sniff.' It is used to determine the cleanliness of the area.
"Yo dude! did Sam just...?"
"Yep, he smithed his asshole... again"
by RSLancaster November 18, 2009
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