Dude, when you grabbed my thigh. You totally skeezed me out.
by Keith Page December 7, 2004
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To skeet all over titties after squeezing the titties. Skeezing tends to be more fun for men than woman.
by Temoy November 27, 2005
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to overcome objections and make it happen.
I skeezed those people and now the price is $20 cheaper.
by Evolve Tours November 21, 2007
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Military term (commonly used in the late 1980s) for a service member who skips out of work all the time.
1. While the rest of us were cleaning the barracks for inspection, Private Smith skeezed out again by going to sick call.
by Arnie Schiffer May 12, 2008
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The act of try to take another person's thing. It could range from drink another's coke to try to get with someone's girlfriend

to steal/
Don't try to skeez all the pizza.
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Teen, Usually obessed with british bands who have particular hate for twinnings tea, ie: artic monkeys.
Often invites self to friend's dwellings, although is always welcomed.
Usually Loves her rum and the ocasionaly smoke of tobaco or marajuana.
Total Babe-a-tron.
Fanny: How can u tell?
Phil: Well she totally is a babe-a-tron, and with my super sonic hearing i can hear her pumping some alex turner of the artic monkeys
Fanny: OH YEAH! and is that a bottle of rum and a bong i see shes carrying into her unexpacting friends house?
Phil: I beleive it is fanny, i beleive it is!
by Gooch Moontimer. April 17, 2008
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Someone who is a sell-out, or someone who never follows through on something.
You said you were coming over, but you skeezed out..... bitch.
by Nikki August 14, 2003
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