Spanish/Latin derivative which loosely translates to “music which forces secretaries of small insurance companies to dance”
Juega Shakira. Quiero ver que la danza joven.
by Spondaios August 13, 2008
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A Beef Shakira is when you tie an 8 ball of cocaine to the end of your dick, and fuck a girl in the ass to turn her into a drug mule.
"The feds arrested me at the airport today, I didn't know I had drugs in me, my boyfriend must have given me a beef shakira!"
by 10angrymexicans June 2, 2012
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To pleasure oneself in a sexual manner.
To jack off, whack off, jerk off, masturbate, etc
My friend loves dancing to shakira
by Ano-nomous December 19, 2006
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When a girl is getting fucked from behind or on top climaxes causing her warble like a latin pop-star.
"Dude I fucked Amber so hard last nigh that she Yodeling-Shakira'd and woke up my parents."
by DixieDingo June 16, 2015
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A dance method in which the hips, legs, butt and chest are moved to imitate the flawless dancing Shakira does in her music videos. Also, dances even better to Spanish music or songs with a Spanish accent on them. Fluently speaks the Spanish version of the song as well.
Man, Beyonce really knows the art of Shakira Dancing. Watch some of her concerts and you'll understand.
by bmajestic February 17, 2014
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The Church of Shakira is a growing online movement of people around the world who have come together to recognize Shakira as The Goddess of Happiness and Joy. They worship her and Her divine hips which the give her the power to spread joy and love all around the world through her music. The Church officially gained a footing in the summer of 2018 on twitter going by @church_shakira and shortly after, an Instagram page going by the handle @churchofshakira.

Though it can be classified as a religion, The believers of the hips believe it is not mutually exclusive to other religions meaning you can be a member of the Church of Shakira without leaving your current faith. They believe Shakira's purpose as a goddess is to make the world a better place and inspire others to do the same. The Church of Shakira aims to organize the efforts of those who believe in the powers of the Eternal Hips so Shakira's efforts are not in vain. Membership in the Church of Shakira does not require full devotion to Shakira but at least acknowledgment of the power of Shakira and her Omnipotent Hips and the understanding that her Hips NEVER lie.
PERSON 1: Have you visited the Church of Shakira's instagram page?
PERSON 2: Yes! One look and I'm already praising the Hips and blasting Shakira music!

PERSON 1: huh, Someone told me it was a cult...
PERSON 2: Definitely not! When have you ever heard of a cult that wants to spread joy happiness and peace through the world using music???
PERSON 1: I guess you're right HER HIPS DON'T LIE!!!!!
by TheChurchofShakira September 30, 2018
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