When a small old man puts on two cock rings and has sex with a young attractive woman.
Ronnie gave Stephanie a Saskatchewan wake up call the night they got engaged.
by SterNation April 15, 2016
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The town of Major, Saskatchewan is a village in Canada. It's somewhat of a let down, but you can find the occasional party here. Be careful though, you'll probably leave with a crusty std and a bad taste in your mouth.
"Hey buddy! You wanna go to a party in Major Saskatchewan tonight?"
"Hell yeah!"
"Okay, just look out for the crying fat bitch."
"I learnt my lesson last time, never chlamydia again!"
by trashytrashbag April 6, 2018
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When you shit in the freezer and then throw it at your friend.
Jimmy was being a douchebag, so I gave him a Saskatchewan screamer.
by Naked Kitty 69 January 23, 2022
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The result of any type of vegetable matter entering the anus. Most often is the result of the act of wiping with said vegetable matter.
Poor Joe couldn’t get to the bathroom and had to wipe his ass with corn shucks. He’s a real Saskatchewan Screamer this morning..
by Shabar77 January 14, 2022
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Saskatchewan Soccer is a game, typically played in P.E. Where there are two teams, one in outfield, and one at the baseline. (Black line used in basketball as out). Outfield rolls the ball to the infielders, and one player from baseline kicks it. The kicker and whoever decides to run, runs from one end of the gym, to the other. Outfielders have to then throw the ball to get the infielders out. Three to five people out, then teams switch places and the game continues.
Gym teacher: "Yo fam we're gonna play some Saskatchewan Soccer."
Literally every kid in the gym: *Starts a fucking riot*
by lilnegger September 17, 2018
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A term originating in Ontario used to describe something useless.

A RIDE program is what DUI checkpoints are called in Ontario, since they oringinated in Etobicoke RIDE stands for Recuced Impaired Driving in Etobicoke which was later changed to Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere once they became more widespread.

The joke among Ontario residents is that these RIDE programs (or whatever they happen to be called in Saskatchewan) would be absolutely useless in Saskatchewan as the province is so flat you would see the police lights from these roadblocks for miles away and easily be able to dodge them thus coining the phrase “as useful as a Saskatchewan RIDE program” to describe a useless person or object.
“Man, I gotta teach myself philosophy since my professor is about as useful as a Saskatchewan RIDE program
by QuotaHunter01 January 8, 2019
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A large influx of beavers in another province that is not Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewanization of Quebec has become so dire in recent years that indigenous aquaculture has become displaced.
by xowe April 1, 2019
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