Wtf Wtf Wtf Wtf Wtf Is wrong with you people get some help, it doesn't exist. How do you know this Piece of shit
Hey bro if you know what National Rape Day is you're Dumb

Oh Ye i should probably forget about it then :I
by DiamonaWolf October 18, 2021
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Its not a real thing, usually promoted by teenage girls on their snapchat.
“Post this on your story, guys are claiming April 24 is national rape day
by MixLix April 24, 2021
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You. Sick. Fuck. Making up a holiday to do a traumatizing thing. If you are a victim or rape, I am very sorry, that shit is not fun. And for the rapists out there, eat shit and die <333
Person 1: “I’m going to Ramada’s house.”
Person 2: “why”
Person 1: “why of course, to rape her! After all, it’s national rape day!”
Person 2: no. Your staying here and you not fucking raping anyone.”
by Snapped twig 😀 November 30, 2021
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on the 24th of April every year u promote anti-rape by wearing the color blue or teal also I was inside to make this day by the TikTok rumors saying that this day in2021 people could anyone
by yessssshy5uygfu5yguy April 23, 2021
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On march 10 (69th day of the year) 69 year old men rape each other and nut in sewers and post it on pornhub.
Hey National Rape Day coming up, wanna rape people?
by Oddbenturband March 27, 2022
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A day that you CANNOT absolutley CANNOT r@pe.
Did you know its national rape day?
Me: Shut Up. Its anti-national rape day.
by lolYTMsClawzeHere June 11, 2021
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