The most scientific test known to man that can definitively indicate if a person is going to have or not have diarrhea. The intent of this butt-hole sphincter movement test (SQT) is to provide early warning status of potential outbound hot brown rain. Perfecting this scientific testing capability is especially helpful when one believes they are going to dutch oven or cup-of-death a loved one or friend, but instead serve themselves liquified brown soft serve. Perhaps you are on a road trip and ate some bad gas station food, this test can save you hours of clean-up.

In order to achieve a successful test, one must exercise their sphincter muscles to extend and gently retract their butt-hole to indicate wet or dry status. You will have a positive SQT if you feel heat at the opening of your sphincter during the testing process. Retracting your sphincter immediately will give you time to plan and improvise for this impending emergency.
"Guys, this is an emergency. The Sphincterial Quiver Test was positive for imminent diarrhea! Pull over now!"/

"I should not have eaten those gas station taco's back there. I need to perform the Sphincterial Quiver Test now to determine if I have a fart ready to come out or if this is going to be diarrhea... Yep... it's diarrhea."
by RudeMood August 20, 2023
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The "best" line in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child

Proof that Jack Thorne and John Tiffany do not know how to write proper dialogue
SCORPIUS: Oh. Not yet. But he will. Hopefully. And this — this house is where Bathilda Bagshot lived,
lives . . .
ALBUS: The Bathilda Bagshot? A History of Magic Bathilda Bagshot?
SCORPIUS: The very same. Oh my, that’s her. Wow. Squeak. My geekness is a-quivering.
by oblebrun March 26, 2023
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Something that makes you happy in the pants, thought not necessarily in a sexual way. Sometimes, though, it IS in a sexual way. Other times it's just because you're happy.
"When I saw him pass, it just make my poontang quiver!" (Sexual)


"Thank you for those chocolate chip cookies! They made my poontang quiver." (Just plain happy.)
by Marf December 10, 2003
A starfish... That is quivering.
Nick - "What's up with that starfish? It's moving around strangely."

Justin - "That's a quivering starfish! Quick! Make a wish!"
by brosephbryan October 28, 2015
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When you’re about to have diarrhea, but someone’s already in the bathroom so you quench your butt so tightly it quivers.
The line was so long for the bathroom earlier and I had to clench so tight, I got the butt quivers.
by Paddison November 17, 2017
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tremble or shake with a slight rapid motion
Her lip quivered and a sob threatened to choke off her voice.
by Celelia May 11, 2021
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