A fine specimen of an African American Male. Preferably wearing Tims, diamond studded bling, and he has to be hung like a horse.
"I fucked an ebony prince last night and I can't even walk straight."
by Sofia, Karie, Charlie August 30, 2006
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A chapter in the Harry Potter books, you'll have to read all the books to understand it though. Possibly one of the saddest stories ever. SPOILER ALERT: about a poor boy called Severus Snape who fell in love with a girl called Lily Evans when they were eleven years old. They went to Hogwarts and Lily was put in Gryffindor with Snape's yet-to-be lifelong rival, James Potter, while Snape was put in Slytherin. Snape still remained friends with Lily but James was jealous because he also loved Lily. James and his friends bullied Snape until one day Lily tried to make him stop. Snape called her a mudblood out of embarrassment and that ended their friendship. Lily eventually was married to James and they had a son who was the famous Harry Potter, the boy who lived, but then she died and Snape had to kind of keep an eye on Harry when he was at school which was bad for him because he seemed so much like James who he hated with all his life, but then he also seemed so much like Lily who he loved for all his life. That's pretty much a shortened version of it. So, it's a very sad story and it's much more romantic than that Bella Swan girl and the sparkly guy (I can tell so many twilight fans gonna dislike this). Oh well!
Example? No, he's got nothing to do with Harry Potter, he's the guy that sings "You changed the way you kissed me"...

What's he got to do with this?
This is about the prince's tale...
by JimBobBillyBob September 21, 2011
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A Croatian Prince is a smart, educated, well built young man who looks to his future as a king. He is athletic, charming and respected by all man kind. Girls want to be his bride. He is a business minded guy who makes plenty of money, drives expensive cars and gives often to help the less fortunate.
Is that a star in the crowd? No that is a Croatian Prince!
by D Shark M December 16, 2010
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A douchebag ex-boyfriend who starts out as a kind, sweet, almost angelic guy but then ends up betraying you in the end, showcasing his true nature.
"Did you read the ending of that novel?!"
"Yeah, I can't believe her boyfriend was the killer all along! He seemed...almost perfect in the beginning!"
"I know, right? He's totally a Prince Hans!"
by linhderella June 29, 2014
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“Did you hear Martin got a new piercing? Yeah, it’s something called a Prince Lorenzo. His sphincter still hasn’t healed yet.”
by Xalthaxar September 15, 2023
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In an animaniacs episode Yakko told Dot to look for prints, for clues, Dot didn't hear him correctly so she found Prince instead (Prince being an old musician), so he tries to correct her by saying "no, no, no, finger prints", but Dot still hears it as finger Prince, fingering being the practice of putting a finger inside someone's vagina or anus and Dot didn't really want to do that so she threw him out the window.
In the thoughts of dot, Yakko said, "no no no finger prince."
by Miket_k August 11, 2010
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1. The failed attempt of attaining "street cred" by conjuring up terrible lyrics and stealing half-assed beats and allowing yourself to be presented as an idiot to the viewable public

2. An Wannabe Idiot; Someone who breaks up their eyebrows into many pieces

3. A sorry excuse for a Portguese Person
Man, what a retard. That Prince Loco is a fucking loser.


LOL Did you hear Prince Loco's raps on facebook? Hahahaha, he is the reason for starvation in Africa
by Lonely Loco Fan March 4, 2009
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