Them K-pop kids, man; they reach a level of gay never previously achieved.
by El ritardo June 9, 2018
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A person who only knows how to shit their pants and waste their obnoxious time to talk shit.
K-pop hater, a K-pop anti who hates on k-pop artists.
by scorpqletoakdq February 21, 2020
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A sub section of a social media platform that are fans of mostly korean pop music usually associated with disdain by the local public for their open mindedness to korean culture. They are hated by locals for their use of harmless videos promoting their favorite artist and their low tolerance level for homophobic and racist comments made towards their favorite artist by locals and western pop / apop fans.
K-pop fans: *inserts harmless video promoting their favourite artist*
by marceline101 May 12, 2020
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The worst fucking thing on twitter.
Hard-asses, horny girls / bisexuals and 3 feet tall salty knobheads.
B-tech Football Twitter.
Best Known for The Great Footballing Deppresion War in 2019 caused by a fucking cunt named Amy.
Used to describe something so fucking bad even Logan Paul disagrees of
Holy shit! That cunts a K-Pop Twitter!
by Gxrcesismisimo October 13, 2019
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A group of BOTH males and females in the K-pop cult and there's no way to get out of it. Enjoy your stay! (Hah hah Stay.) They're supportive and life savors, legit will destroy #WhiteLivesMatter and the whole hashtag page. We need them in our world and need more! #NamjoonForPresident2020! Not all of us are toxic, but we will DESTORY YOUR ASS with Army bombs if you dare to insult our boyz (sorry this will be full of puns now teehee~) and bias. Basically crackheads and clowns galore, the nicest bitches and hoes you'll ever meet. K-pop idols work so hard to make us happy and we support and love them so they could continue being their best selves. There are toxic K-pop fans, but they're not the whole majority. STAN BTS, STRAY KIDS, iKON, BLACKPINK, REDVELVET, DAY6, AND THE REST OF THE IDOLS!!
K-pop haters : Ew they look like girls! They're so gay with makeup on- They dance like girls! They look so fat and ugly! They're so unoriginal- They should go back to North Korea and in the militar-

K-pop fans - *pulls out lightstick* Want to continue? +.+
by loveliez October 8, 2020
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Queers, nigfags, jews, Queers
Man that K-pop fan was a real nigfag
by Niglet shire August 4, 2022
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Someone who started caring for issues that have been plaguing the world since the start of time only when they joined kpop twitter. Occasional activism includes “k-pop group is already rich stop making them richer!” whilst buying merch and music from other kpop groups and “use your money for better causes!” whilst being a privileged white teenager. Uses their own white struggles as an excuse when called out.
“Sarah, how do you constantly tweet about BTS being multimillionaires but never about how you’ve been to 14 other k-pop concerts? You’re a k-pop communist.”
by hinataluvr6969 July 29, 2020
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