Used by Peter Griffin. A girl talks about her Malibu Stacy doll, according to Peter, but nobody cares about it.
I will be using: OMG instead of Oh my god in Oh my god who the hell cares, because of the way he said: Oh my god. It was like a teenage girl would on sweet sixteen or on the on the internet. Just imagine it.

"This is my Malibu Stacy doll, she comes with a comb and an extra dress !"a young girl exclaimed happily

To which peter replies, "OMG Who the hell cares ?"
by TakaD August 16, 2011
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WHat you say when you've done something stupid. This expression catches peoples attention and should not be used in a professional environment. In the right scenario, it can illict laughter. Also used when you've forgotten something important.

For extra effect say: oh my god i forgot to microwave the baby
Dave: Hey Jim, did you remember everthing?

Jim: Umm, i think so- OH MY GOD I MICROWAVED THE BABY!

Shawn: I think thats everything... i packed clothes, locked the door, gave a key to the neighbors...

Brenda: Are you forgetting something

by theguitaristwiththeskills March 9, 2010
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A term for a leader or Politician that gets caught in a situation and is forced to resign or retire.
After the City's Police Chief's extramarital affairs just got exposed to the public. He was forced to resign due to pressure from the citizens of the city. A talk radio host proclaimed "Oh My God, The Quarterback is Toast"
by Netstryke416 February 10, 2010
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something that chris crocker says negitively because it pisses him of that people say"oh my god thats so gay" about bad things.
Michelle:Hey, like my new flip-flops?
Britney:Ew. Oh my god thats so stright of you to wear areopostle shoes. LOSER
by dirty little bitch March 3, 2008
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Relating to the meme, "Sword guy Jason Bourne meme!" Usually used when something is unusual.
A chemical reaction in a science lab. "It exploded! Oh my god, it's the work of Jason Bourne!" oh my god its jason bourne
by OJAX1 January 21, 2017
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