Tony Stark's last words before he snapped his fingers in Avengers Endgame that made your mom cry, your dad cry, your sister cry, your cousin cry, and the whole world cry.
"I am inevitable." Thanos snaps and looks at his gauntlet like oh shit. He proceeds to looks at Tony who's like 'FUCK YOU' and Tony says, "I am iron man" Then sis snapped harder than Miley Cyrus in 2013.
by Someone you probably dont know October 13, 2019
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“Am I iron man”-Dom “Yes you are”-Gracie
by DomAtk1226378263 February 28, 2020
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he loves you 3000
you: Tony? does iron man love me?
Tony Stark: yes. he loves you 3000
by a.barton July 31, 2019
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The challenge of masturbating to any 5 Lady Gaga music videos within a 24 hour period.

Restrictions are: You can only watch 1 music video at a time. The videos must be on your history. The participant CANNOT be drunk.
Oh my God, I was so bored over the weekend I tried to finish the Lady Gaga Iron Man Challenge.
by ydyke June 20, 2010
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A) Said of a relatively little known person born into unfavorable social circumstances who is one day destined to become great.

B) the exact opposite of definition a, a person born into prosperity and wealth who is destined to be delegared to the dustbin of history.
While Marco Rubio or Ben Carson fit definition a) of man in the iron mask, Jeb Bush would sure fit definition b), only because the USA was NOT designed to be a nepotistic monarchy, but a democracy.
by Sexydimma November 11, 2015
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A) a person from the loser social classes who is destined to become great

B) the exact opposite, a person born into wealth and power but destined to lose everything
Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz fit the man in the iron mask definition a), while Jeb Bush would fit definition b).
by Sexydimma June 7, 2017
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