A very skilled basketball player going to the NBA
Damn, that guy is good! He's like Leroy Ng

"Jordan is the goat!"
"What about Leroy?"
by TheNBAguru July 17, 2023
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Leroy is typically known as the friendly neighborhood EMO, Leroy has a wolfcut.
"Hey Leroy Lonergan"
leroy - " shut up nigger"
by FortniteNigrBalls February 13, 2023
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An archetypical Texan man in cowboy boots, jeans, cowboy hat and a belt buckle bigger than a Gideon's Bible.
You'all seen Leroy Davis there with his sweet ice tea and fixin's for a bbq.
by Cali Laowai April 26, 2021
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A very cute guy that will make you fall in love instantly. Although he can pull any girl he wants, he is very sus and only likes guys. This guy is the definition of a motherfucker, he could and would fuck any moms he sees. His dick is also 8+ inches long.
I accidentally looked at Xion Leroy today and he decided to get payback by fucking my mom till her pussy caused a tsunami.
by yorelnoix November 22, 2021
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When you deficate into the female's oral cavity, then she proceeds to perform oral sexual activies with the fecal matter in her mouth.
She gave me a Rusty LeRoy last night, and now I'm still pulling peanuts and corn bits out of my pubes.
by Sheshum October 21, 2008
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i silly little man with a comical name
i wnat a "leroy actionslax doll for christmas"
by gozy December 11, 2003
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