When you're so goddamn bored you start typing your entire keyboard from bottom left to top right. This usually occurs after typing qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmik,ol.p;/ and sometimes zaqxswcdevfrbgtnhymju,ki.lo/;p
This class is so fucking boring... uhh qawzsexdrcftvgybhunjimko,lp.;/'
by feesh01 September 6, 2023
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Are you just finding types of these that haven't been defined yet?
yes i am and it appears it didn't work time to go search other stuff that isn't qsawefdrthgyukjio;lp
by Xx_QWERTYUIOP_xX March 3, 2022
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when you are so fucking bored you press the keyboard in a zigzag motion, and its not just the letters, you included the fucking numbers and symbols, and you couldn't finish due to the enter button
by LittleHadlie December 2, 2022
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\/'.;.=,lp-mko0nji9bhu8vgy7cft6xdr5zse4aw3q21 is not the final stage of boredom, \/'.;.=,lp-mko0nji9bhu8vgy7cft6xdr5zse4aw3q21` is!
by W4ffleCat February 16, 2022
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wow...You got really bored huh welp you know what you did
me: im so bored...i know ill type /'\=;.,lp-0okmnji98uhbvgy76tfcxdr54eszaw32q1` in urban dictionary
by RobingYourBoredness October 12, 2022
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British Slang for massive Bellend- Someone so generally untrustworthy and rubbish at any game they play that they normally splat
Yo, that Guys a massive LP Belle
by buuurd April 15, 2021
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