Jacky Jack is swaggy swag
Jacky is a snazzy fellow in a bow tie
Jackys favorite cartoon character is smexy Patrick in a maid dress
Person 1: who that with the person with a bow tie and smexy Patrick shirt

by Hahahahahjdbdudb April 30, 2021
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A cutie patootie that also happens to be gay and a furry
Person 1: hi Jacky

Jacky: I love unicorns and rainbows
by Jamal Jackson the 5th October 17, 2023
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A feminine guy named Jack who bullies other feminine guys, And has a soft color pallet with Curly hair.
(Bonus points if they have a Boyfriend/Husband who is also feminine)
Person1: Ugh, that guy is SUCH a Jackie!
Person2: I know right!? and there BOYFRIEND, ugh.
by ShinyyLungs October 9, 2023
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Jackie is a very nice beautiful woman that loves her man she is with now. Would fight for what's hers. She can be the little thing until you decide to Mess with her some sort a way of with close family or friends anyoneshe cares about and you will see a while nother side of her..that you wished you've never seen. A strong lover always chillen with her man listening to music n drawing is her favorite she also loves to dance. She is more of what you'd call a caregiver and would spend every dollar down to the last one just to know you got what you needed and that you were happy. She'd rather see everyone else happy before herself. Loves to go for walks to think thoughts through so don't take it personal when she just wants to be alone. But if your her man you truly have nothing to worry about. Not a cheater she will tell you it's done of she isn't interested butt cheating isn't in her vocabulary. This is a warm loving kind heated woman of you have a Jackie then wow congratulations keep her. Sweetest thang you'll ever see...oh did I mention her heart of you have it she's yours for good...unless you do something wrong. Hold her closer. But remember her wanting her alone time when she wants it just let her be. That's how she processes her thoughts.
ThatJackie she is definitely a hottie not only that but a bright living kind smart woman who knows her worth. Jackie will give you the shirt off her shoulder. But DON'T fuck wit her she is quite the fire cracker
by Jackie m 143 February 19, 2022
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Standard unit measuring mass. One Jackie is roughly equivalent to the mass of 6 standard fun size candy bars. Can be abbreviated Jc
Friend 1: Ugh. I just ate seven Jackies of schnitzel.
Friend 2: That's crazy! How are you still alive? I can't even finish 2 Jcs!
by PapaKev November 1, 2012
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Jacky is a cool asian dude who likes PS4 alot and is in love with Emily😉. He also curses alot and calls people gay alot. He's a softy at heart, but hides it with his brawn exterior.
Have you seen that guy over there?
Yeah he's Jacky, he has a HUGE crush on Emily.
by BigBoi1457 January 9, 2018
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She is such a savage. She is very scary at times. Jackie hates hugs but will give you affection when you are sad.

She is always there to back up her friends and stick up for her friends and does anything for them.

Most of the guys are scared of Jackie because she is like one of the guys but if you mess with her she is most likely to snap back ❤️
Dang watch out Jackie’s coming
by Hilly17234 October 31, 2019
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