Italian People. . .

"Ohhhhhh! We are like so cool!!! Ohhhhh!!! We like make the best food!!! And ohhhh the Woman are like gorgeous!!!!"

Well lemme tell you my statement to the Italians. . .

- Hey! I'm Italian and I am the bet person in the world!

- No you're not! That Hungarian guy just kicked your ass!

- *Italian Person Sobbing*
Italian Person: Hey Everyone! Look at me I'm Italian and I'm like sooooo Coooooooooool!!!!!!!

Hungarian Person: If you're so cool why did I just kick your ass at every Sport?
by Hungarian Ninjas September 20, 2007
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The most fucking annoying people on the planet. When you say you don't live in Italy you mean it.
God that damn Italian stole my car!
by *...Nukin...* September 19, 2007
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weed, called by the infamous "Team Ital"
codename to get around the rents
boydy- "How much italian you bring this weekend?"
josh- "Nigga i got 6 g's this weekend"
by Oyler April 11, 2008
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Has a mustache regardless of gender, uses unnecessary inflections in their voice, and always speaks with the thumb touching all fingers. You won’t find any Italian on a ketogenic diet, because they only eat pizza and pasta. Also gets mad when people refer to pizza as an all-American food. Very competitive, and will always win that bike race you have with your friends. Despises being called Mario or Luigi.
You see that guy eating his pizza with a fork? Damn Italians
by Pknchkn September 30, 2021
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cant drink as much as the Irish and will never be has good looking!! Irish Rule!!
Italian Gweedos are faggs and use to much hair gel
by Irishredhead July 31, 2009
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A people which is Nuffin special...y u american people like so much italians??? we'r just like u or others, not ashamed 2 be italian...mafia, mangia-spaghetti... ma muder fortunately's australian...dey're hard-workin'!australia: the best country in tha universe!!! Aussie Aussie Oi oi oi!!
Mate: Hey, r u italian?
Me: yes, but i consider myself australian...i hate italy and his people!
by BallTillYaFall October 10, 2008
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People who always win. Think about it. They have Ferrari, the best food, hot women, and they can act like guido douchebags on TV and become millionaires because of it. They might not do much of the work, but they always win.
God damn, I wish I was Italian.
by rapetti1000 May 22, 2013
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