4 definitions by *...Nukin...*

The most fucking annoying people on the planet. When you say you don't live in Italy you mean it.
God that damn Italian stole my car!
by *...Nukin...* September 19, 2007
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One of the most damn funny movies ever. You don't watch it you're a douche.
Kung Pow, Kung Pow, Hiah!
by *...Nukin...* September 19, 2007
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Basically a place where you can get your girlfriend on, where boys do their text messaging to show off for them. They say it's a place to rate movies but it's more like this: U damn "Melanie Griffith." If you want to know what that stands for please ask someone other than me.

Thank you...
Hey! Lets go to Mr Cranky where we can act like a bunch of crazy bastards and text message our girlfriends!

"Sounds like fun!"
by *...Nukin...* September 19, 2007
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A dickwad douchebag who completely ruins a Nation!
Jimmy Carters Speech:

I want to make the whole Unites States Of America to be a Nation filled with bastards just like me.
by *...Nukin...* September 19, 2007
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