A sweetheart and a gem of a man
They are so fortunate to see Hussain Alotaibi on a daily basis

يا سعد الناس بحسين
by Raneemmuhay May 20, 2023
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Richest kid in school and personal crush
George Floyd : Yo is that a Lamborghini, must be Hussain
by Your_MuM_Slayer June 11, 2022
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A person who pushes people down the stairs frequently.
Girl 1: He is such a Hussain!

Girl 2: I know right? He just pushed that person down the stairs!
by Blonde the Ginger November 26, 2019
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Handsome and very attractive guy, loyal , honest, awesome, extremely smart, passionate, the funniest, always makes people happy, crazy about football and PS5, knows what to wear and how to be sexy, partner in crime, you may don’t understand him sometimes cuz he doesn’t understand him self most of the time, he’s the most perfect husband. Best in bed !!
Hussain is awesome!!
by HAK ... November 23, 2021
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Hussain, one of the most non-trusting person you will ever meet. He has an amazing sense of humour, however he is stubborn and suspicious as fuck. Kinda sweet.
Girl: hey I like that guy, who's he
Girl 2: he Hussain, go to him and he will roast you
by Clumsy ass January 10, 2022
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Hussain is the type of guy who pretends not to have feelings for anyone cuz he's lowkey in love with his best friend. He never gets annoyed or angry but instead replaces those feelings with roasting his loved ones, however they are from a pure heart . He can honestly be super sweet and very talkative to the people he’s comfortable with, not to mention his sense of humor is sky high. You may not realize it, but ur lucky to have a Hussain in your life, and you'll only realize it when u need him. He’s always there for his friends and the go to dude for solving your problems.
OH No There Goes a Hussain. RUNNNN.
by MaskOffShawty April 13, 2021
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