Useless. Unless, you want to work for a huge corporation. They usually take your degree into consideration because they have so many candidates. Other than that the degree is useless. You will learn much more by learning on your own online and freelancing. Furthermore, most of the classes you take in college will be very theoretical. You will not have a time to refine your useful technical and communication skills.
I went to state to get a Graphic Design Degree but I realized Ahmed is just as successful freelancing and learning on his own
by CCPMan October 11, 2017
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Someone who is able to read a paragraph of a book/text and recite it at any time using Fail-graphic Memory, thus whilst it is awesome, they are incapable utilizing the information in real life situations. Making them utterly useless.

Similar to: Photographic Memory
Michael: Hey man remember that long 'arse' paragraph on physics that allowed us to change the molecular format of gravity?
John: Sure! *recites said paragraph*.
Michael: Ah, fuck i dont understand that, since your remmeber it, use it.
John: I don't know how, due to my lack of ability to employ the said information to real life problems. I suffer from Fail-graphic Memory.
by TotallyHAM October 17, 2009
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Graphics that resemble the 8-bit graphics used on the video Game Taco Joe.
"That website really sucks, it totally has Taco Joe graphics"
by Taco Joe Dos February 2, 2009
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A term for when a person or product is outcompeted, marginalized or eradicated by an inferior competitor or opponent through bad luck, conspiracy, the ignorance of man or the cruel indifference of Marduk, the Babylonian God of harbors and mischief.
father: "fuck, first caldor goes the way of the turbo graphics 16 and now i have to buy my zoobas at target?"

son: "is that why you beat the shit out of me and mommy?"
by dusty ocean December 30, 2005
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The anxiety you feel when making a math test or doing some kind of mathematical homework and you need to draw a curved line in a graphic, because you are afraid you will fuck up the entire graph.
Teacher: Where are all your lines in the graphs? Why didn`t you do your homework?!
Suzanne: I tried to draw them but got graphic draw anxiety everytime I wanted to start.
Teacher: That`s the best excuse ever!
by Dutch Math Teacher April 15, 2011
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A video of SpongeBob SquarePants, Mickey Mouse, Scrat (The Ice Age Squirrel) and a purple bug thing (That looks like something you would see in Blaze the Cat and Big Chungas had a child) beating someone up on a Road Rage in Russia. The video has become infamous for causing strikes on several YouTubers, including Markiplier and Cr1tikal (aka Penguinz0)
Guy: I can’t believe I got striked for “Violent and Graphic Content!” It’s not even that brutal!
by Asmallboioutthere July 4, 2022
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(Adjective, sometimes exclamation) When something is going wrong, though not sufficiently wrong as to render the user of the word/phrase incapable of speaking.
Of multi-lingual origin, formed in the most peculiar possible fashion, using the old French word merde (Literal transltation = Shit/bloody hell) and "graphic" (possibly referring to graphic violence, with the letter "o" in the centre of the word for good measure

NOTE: original spelling uses hyphenation, thus it is advisable to use it when using the word.
Ship is sinking, person then states, "well, this is merde-o-graphic, the ship's sinking, there's no life-boats left and I can't swim."
by AwkOS V2*72 July 30, 2010
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