Hardcore ecstasy is ecstasy that is so potent that you literally eradicate our bowels when you're tripping on it.
Hardcore ecstasy is completely 100% real.
by Emilio G. May 29, 2009
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The intense love you and another person feel for each other while on Ecstasy or other drugs like LSD, Shrooms, etc.
Oftentimes this will be one of the most intense feelings of love and connection you will feel with another person.
It is also common for one or both of the parties to lose this touch after the Ecstasy or other drug wears off, often causing a painful loss of connect and love for one or both parties.
One sided disconnect often leads to one person simping and being painfully depressed due to a combination of the other person disconnecting from Ecstasy love and the come down that some drugs have. Adding insult to injury.
Person one (after drugs have worn off): There’s this girl I went to the rave with and I’m sooo into her bro
Person two: Were you guys rolling (on Ecstasy)?
Person one: Yeah but that wasn’t it she was all over me too but she isn’t replying to me
Person two: Sorry man, sounds like she was just feeling ecstasy love, it’s not real.
Person one: *Proceeds to PAINFULLY cry due to PRD and disconnect of Ecstasy love*
by MangoIsEDM March 15, 2022
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An adjective. Used to describe something so good that it is more than ecstasy and better than crack, it becomes the hyperbole 'ecstasy on crack'
Luke: Got the new xbox game! It's so good, it's like ecstasy on crack!

Alex: These shoes are so hot they are ecstasy on crack!
by Miss ax January 23, 2008
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The act of placing your right hand on top of your head and moving it in a circular motion, while stretching your right arm, and dancing around the room. This is dance move is initiated at the drop beat of Sebastian Ingrosso's "Reload" song.

Invented by: "Soheyl Shakib", "SoSha", one of the pioneers of Electronic Dance Music scene in Southeast US.
Hey, they are playing Sebastian Ingrosso's Reload.

Holy shit, I know, lets get ready for that Ecstasy Dancing.
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A type of drink which is beer with ecstasy added, which is often drunk at raves,rainbow parties and cherry poping parties etc.
Ecstasy beer is the best drink in the world.
by The Fury 13 January 12, 2011
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where a guy make a woman take ecstacy and waites for it to take effect before he rapes her because estecy make everything seem great.
by Deep blue 2012 December 7, 2009
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The Most Sexy band on the face of the... Universe. And Sexy. And everyone in it is Sexy. And a pimp. If there was a word other than pimp that meant a pimp, it would be Coffee Ecstasy. Though that is 2 words. Shut up before I blind you with our sexy good looks.
SexyMan1: My favorite band is Coffee Ecstasy
SexyMan2: DAMN! They are so hot!
Carmen Electra: I made out with everyone in Coffee Ecstasy!
Jesus: I Heart Coffee Ecstasy!
Allah: Me 2!
Buddah: Fo Sho!
Ghaneesha: I love to look at their sexy tight buns.
by The most Sexy man ever. July 23, 2008
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