Australian Slang: Meaning that your really thirsty, usually words heard around a pub when no drinks are being served because sevice is slow and the locals are getting impatient.
-Oi Shazza! Could you hurry it up a tad I'm dry as a dead dingos donger over 'ere
-Chuck us a coldie, all this hard yakka is making me as dry as a dead dingos donger!
by Anthony Kitching October 11, 2004
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When you take out a door knob using your mouth
Person 1 :I just did the donger deed

Person 2 : NO WAYY
by Whatsgoodfolks1 June 22, 2021
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A way to say that you or someone else has a large penis
Person A: Hey dude have you heard that Person C has a Magnum Donger?
Person B: Yeah
Person C (under their breath): Fucking weirdos
by Gandhi'sAsshole April 14, 2021
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When the Padres wax the Giants twice in one day
Dang Marc can you believe that double donger that slam Diego pulled off today?!?!?
by Dale Gribble September 13, 2020
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When the Padres wax the Giants’ asses twice in one day
Dang Marc can you believe that Double Donger the Padres pulled off today?!?!?!?
by Dale Gribble September 13, 2020
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