The country of vikings, good beer and socialism that actually works.
It’s often refered to as the happiest country on earth.
Denmark has universal Healthcare paid by taxes and is therefore Bernie Sanders wet dream.
Beer can be expensive though.
Jens: I broke my leg and had to get it fixed.
James: oh, that sounds expensive.
Jens: not at al, I’m from Denmark, l I didn’t pay a single dime.
by Sigvald the Dane January 15, 2019
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A piece of shit country with a garbage language filled with shitty people who will throw sports games to spite smaller countries who are counting on them winning to progress.
A: Did you hear about what Denmark did to Iceland in the handball tournament?
B: Yeah, I'm so glad the Spaniards kicked their asses the next game
by MidnightMage January 30, 2022
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These people are the best, smart generous, and very friendly to fellow people. Very Responsible, good in decision makings!, biggest D u can ever see!
Hi Im Denmark from the Imperyo of Denmark.
by Dm u know meh May 18, 2022
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supposedly a country in Europe, Denmark is a famed mythical land whose existence was disproved by genius Italian scientists during renaissance, despite this many people still believe that Denmark is a real place.
person 1: Denmark looks like a nice place, I want to go there
person 2: you can't. Denmark isn't real
by Denmark denier July 25, 2023
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Friend: Hey man where are you from?
Friend #2: I'm from Denmark, and you?
Friend: What the fuck is wrong with you
by hepno September 6, 2022
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5. Reasons why... You should go to Denmark
1. Lego! Yeah that’s true Lego is from Denmark they have Lego land, and Lego means “Leg godt/play well”
2. Women! Tall blonde/brown haired girls is overall and under 10% of Danes is over weight
3. Hygge! Hygge is the feeling you get when you are cozy and having a good time with friends and family Danes is experts in this
4. Vikings! Just why not?
5. Language! Some of the word Danes say may sound English, and actually it’s because of the Viking that invaded Britain so word like egg/æg, window/vindue and salad/salat sounds the exact same
by The.dane November 19, 2017
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He is such a sweet and funny and goofy guy. He is the best person in the world and he always has such positive vibes. He is so funny and is so nice to everyone in sight. He always looks out for you whether you're his enemy, his lover (Salote), his best friend or anyone. He is so sweet to everyone and he can be really friendly.
"Who helped you yesterday?"
"Well he must be nice!"
by gangstachickpoly March 7, 2022
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