"that beat-da-deet sure can play basketball, fry chicken, and rob a liquor store"
by juuudie March 31, 2010
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getting an STD from a one night stand with someone 50+
"Dude! Last night i got a deet/do/dot/do/deet/do with my mom!!"
by sthprkrcksss January 10, 2009
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Gossip session to get all the details
Girls, we are meeting for brunch for a major deets sesh
by LucyProspect April 8, 2014
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Leave somewhere quickly, sometimes skedaddle.
1: *Witnesses 2 doing something scary*
2: *sees 1* ...
1: ...Ima Skeedley deet.
by I Fried A Sign August 28, 2023
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When you get tea/deets from someone and they’re completely wrong and inaccurate.
Dude I heard that you did a biddie
No way, that’s some sneha deets
by Kavanono February 28, 2019
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- when you eat and then die
- death by food poisoning
I can’t believe you just deeted on my brothers quinceanera ?????
by shakshooka February 24, 2022
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different word for:
-Are you concious?
-do you know what is happening?
-are you dumb?
-are you doing ok?
Are you deet?

Yes, deet.
I'm not really deet.
by Paulenen January 21, 2020
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