words expressing anger or frustration or annoyance or just something really fun to say.

Created/inspired by the movie "the exorcist" where that carl guy always shows up when somethings goin wrong.
by katy-with-a-y September 24, 2004
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A term most often used when your friend does something dumb, cooler than something you did, owned something in a game, et cetera. However, it is not just limited to "Dammit Jerry!" Other permutations may exist, or replacing Jerry with another person's name.
Bill: Dude, you know Mia from Biology?

James: Yeah? What about her?

Bill: I hit that.


- or -

Bill: Holy shit!? Did you just kill that guy with the Spartan laser!?

James: You know it bro!


- or -

Jerry: Hey Bill, did you get Oblivion Shivering Isles?

Bill: No, why do you have it?

Jerry: Yep! hahaha!

by anon umpteen August 16, 2009
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What you say when you're frustrated about something. Not 'goddammit', god damn it, 'go ddammit', 'goddamn it', 'god dammit', or anything else like that, god dammit.
Jimmy: You have work tommorow, and a pay cut, and more hours.

Bobert: GOD DAMMIT!!!
by I AM Canadian! January 28, 2005
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Used as an expression of frustration when something goes wrong, which inevitably is the fault of someone named Dayo.
“Hey everything is going wrong
“Dammit Dayo”
by Anonymoususer23348 December 23, 2018
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Like god dammit only used by Soviets because they don't believe in God and can't or face the wrath of 21 AK-74's.
Hey, at least they don't have to worry about going to church on sundays.
Kate-tov Shalashaska: Josef I just sold your car with out your permission!

Josef: Soviet Dammit Kate-tov you are lucky your not pregnant because I would lock you in your room!
by Josef Ebby April 4, 2008
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When the world goes to implode on itself, the last words that you will FUCKING HEAR GOD DAMMIT BOBBY!
by Darude Dankstorm August 24, 2015
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When your buddies son Timothy breaks your cars center console causing you to practically fall over or spill your coffee every time you touch it you elicit a Dammit Timothy.
Anything that is kind of irritating but not super irritating you can elicit a Dammit Timothy. Examples: spill your coffee, trip over a tree root, etc.
by phatflyguy December 19, 2013
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