Cot stands for Come Outside Ting (girl). It refers to the song Come Outside by Kmoney, a Toronto underground rapper. So if you see a teenage or adult female with a bubble jacket, Air Forces, lots of lip gloss and had gel on her edges, just know you’ve spotted a Cot
That girl is a cot.
Dat ting is cot fam.
by A.Tm December 9, 2019
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When you’re hot and cold but not warm but not chilly either it’s just...cot
by Allie.ccarter May 25, 2020
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Another word for a girl whole sleeps around; girl who gets around.
Every guy has slept with jen, she get around.
She's such a cot!
by Ohhhhhhmylanta December 25, 2018
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When it is cold and hot at the same time. Also, when someone is not hot, but ugly.
That boy is cot.
by NuggetsThanTenders October 28, 2018
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A very over weight ugly female that smells bad with no type of body features and pussy lips hang to the group and black stains on her neck
u a cot
by jsjxi December 30, 2022
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When something is so cold that it feels hot
Person 1: Bro that ice block was so cot!

Person 2: I know right! It felt like i was burning my fingers off!
by Waw5Y February 8, 2023
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a way of saying the word "cute".
person A: that cat is so cot
person B: i know right
by yas3n October 14, 2023
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