man i got some coke lets blow this joint and get high!
by Coca October 24, 2003
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To have a drink of coke before you go to bed just so you can lie awake all night thinking about her.
"I coked for her last night. I'm hell tired now but I needed to stay awake because with her, reality is better than a dream"
by JR June 24, 2005
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1: an unbelevably addictin drink
2: somethin that lets you drown out school
3: dude, i'm hi.... oops that goes down there
1:you dude. fkdjfklsjlk. this is dirty, i gotta kik this habbit. coke has ruined my life. hey, pass me that can of coke.

2: finally! of f**k, i'm still IN sschool, i'm screwed!

by sgoogie August 14, 2004
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Used by chemists, means same as Carbon
by Kyle March 25, 2005
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Just like a normal glass of rum and coke, but with no coke. It pretty much means having a glass of straight rum.

Personally, it's my favorite drink.
by psychonirvanafan July 23, 2010
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A lover of delicious cocaine. Day and night, 24/7/365. Not yet an addict, but close.
Fred's a real paranoid coke hound, don't do rails with him, he's a weirdo.
by JohnnyAcrossTheSea October 1, 2015
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Words made by pit bull cause he cant ryme
Just like he cant ryme the word kodak

"Yo dude what does chonky coke mean"
"Idk man only pitbull knows"
by Waggywooh October 13, 2019
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