Person 1: you broke up with me
Person 2: no, you broke up with me
Person 1: no, i soft broke up with you. You made it a hard break up by reaffirming it. So you broke up with me. I just did a soft break up.

Person 2: oh man, youre right. I’m sorry i broke up with you.
by Butt0283749294 December 12, 2018
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Similar to men growing beards post break up, girls grow bushes by not shaving their vaginas out of either depression or freedom from not having anyone to impress during sex.
"I have a hairless vagina. But after Steve and I broke up I grew a break up bush until I got over him and shaved it."
by Angela628 July 6, 2013
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a great way to deal with a break up!
I thought Dana needed to laugh about her break I bought her a break up ornament
by greencas October 13, 2011
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its when a guy/girl gets all ready to go on a date, and is really nice to the girl/guy all night, no matter how long they've been dating, and breaks up with her/him in a really nice way
an example of break up date: know ________(name)...your such a good person....beautiful, smart.....i dont deserve you............your way to great........i think i should just let you have your space to become the great person i know u are
by europeanbeauty January 18, 2008
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Veronica don’t break up with Furkan cause he likes u a lot. And if u do break up you’ll have 19 years of bad luck
Don’t break up
by Some1fromspace November 2, 2019
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When a person, who was involved in a relationship that has ended, has items belonging to the other person who expects the first person to give back said items.
After the break-up, john had a ton of break-up debt. He still has her entire CD collection, her dining set, and even some of her jewelry.
by ChickityChan January 20, 2011
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