That body of the literature which Lord Christopher Monckton won’t countenance, i.e it's content was rejected by a peer,
The IPCC Fourth Assessment Report is peer-refused science.
by SteveD May 27, 2009
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this rule stipulates that if 3 different people tell you to do something within a 1-hour period, you must do it.

rule is void if physical coercion is used during the same period or the preceding 15 minutes.
#1: Todd, chug this beer.

Todd: No

#2 (5 minutes later): Todd, chug this.

Todd: No

#3 (1 minute later): Todd, chug this.

Todd: hell no

#3: Peer Pressure rule, you have to.

Todd: damn.
by ucsd triton eye 123 November 12, 2009
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Telling a secret to a well-known gossiper in an effort to spread a piece of news rapidly.
Hey man I heard you were banging that Bolivian girl, way to go!

Yeah I told that gossip queen Shannon about it last week and now its the talk of the town. Gotta love the Peer Press Conference
by AngryFrenchCanadian January 23, 2011
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When you’re friends forcibly make you come to their room instead of being on face time. As a result you leave the stove on and your house burns to the ground all because you were forced to see the person who you FaceTimed for 7hours a day. Like who the fuck do they think they are I was enjoying being a damn couch potato and now I’m homeless
They cyber peer pressured me. Call the insurance company the house is gone
by Tristan Martello January 26, 2021
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When a group of people persuades an individual to do something very immoral like painting his pants with an extremely odd pattern, run into a crowd of black people and jews and scream "SIEG HEIL" and so on.
The group often laughs at the individual when he or she does these immoral things. Group pressure can be an awesome way of killing time.
Mike and Dan convinced Daniel that its awesome to put 10 different hairgels of very poor quality in the hair. Daniel did this and Mike and Dan hade a good laugh!

Excellent example of pure Group pressure, peer.
by blackybloke March 7, 2009
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People on your own level giving encouragement to do something immoral, with the threat of being ostracized if one fails to comply.
Always give in to peer group pressure
by Kung-Fu Jesus June 15, 2004
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