When someone's thighs can be described as chonkers.
I tried some jeans on the other day and I just couldn't get them over my thonkers.
by goobygoon May 9, 2022
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The act of slapping one's penis against the forehead of the person who just performed oral sex on you to remove any jizz left in the shaft of the penis.
I always like giving her the thonker so cum doesn't drip on my underware after I zip up.
by redlight hack January 18, 2013
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A loser who is obsessed with the Thonk meme, wich is a parody of the thinking emoji.
Thonker: "has a thonk picture" post thonk memes all the time on discord and 9gag
responder: haha funny thonk
by gaynibba_63 April 19, 2018
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A synonym for one’s head.
My friend in class was being dumb. He wasn’t using his thonker.
by mommabear69 November 2, 2023
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