The word to say when you need to cuss in public.
"I'm gonna fubbernuck your wife, Jerry."
by ConnorronnoC June 27, 2016
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When you want to say "fuck" on a youtube video but COPPA is a thing
YouTuber: Ah Fubbernuck, i broke my cobblestone generator
by ShadowWarlock January 30, 2020
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Another way of saying "fuck". You can use this word when bitchy teachers are around, or simply whenever the fuck you feel like it!
"You must stop this Fubbernucking game right this instant!"
by thatidiotwithalife March 22, 2018
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A word which was created (as far as I know) by Markiplier, as an in-the-moment impovised word as a replacement for fucked but idk why as he swears already. I guess it’s kinda why we watch him.
by Jellyflower November 6, 2017
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Synonym of "boned" or "screwed".
Commonly used by Markiplier.
by JoeyMacaroni September 3, 2017
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Fubbernucked is what you say in public if you don't wanna say the "f" word.
A: The teacher talked with my dad about my previous test.
B: You really are fubbernucked this time.
by MegaSushiMan January 5, 2017
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