4 definitions by zzxy_

british term for shanking someone or cutting them up. chefs use knives so the term cheffed comes from there
dan: man, jack just cheffed my arm so hard. call the ambulance

jay: what kind of knife did he use there? bloody deep cut mate!
by zzxy_ June 25, 2018
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1: a strip of tarmac cars can drive on
2: a person who is acting “hard” or acting big trying to impress people (showing off)
always wearing some sort of man bag or tracksuit and travels everywhere on a bmx or dirt bike
matt: he’s acting so road isn’t he
trey: yeah look at him with his man bag and puffa jacket on, definitely looking for trouble
by zzxy_ June 25, 2018
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slowy or slowie is usually a word used to describe people who are dumb or thick or are a bit slow
man 1: the answer is in front of you face you fucken slowy
by zzxy_ June 25, 2018
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british term used in grime song; means a person who hasn’t had fights with people in the field or been brave enough to do things against the law
jake: callum hasn’t done shit in the field bruv
james: what do you mean though
jake: he’s too pussy to have fights and all that
by zzxy_ June 25, 2018
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