24 definitions by yet another josh cohen

A photo of a cat doing a seemingly-innocuous thing, with large text superimposed. Sort of an offshoot of the orly owl. Also called cat macros
"I made you a cookie but I eated it", "ceiling cat is watching you masturbate", and "I see what you did there" are good examples of lolcats.
by yet another josh cohen February 9, 2007
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The practice of, when you see a song lyric on Facebook or another social networking website, singing the next lyric. Usually someone will add a third, then a fourth, and so on.

(originally coined by Sethual Chocolate)
Jeff Smith says I believe I can fly

John Jones says I believe I can touch the sky

Kim German says I think about it every night and day

Phyllis Seymour wants to spread my wings and fly away

Andrew Rickenbacker just doesn't understand all this facebook singing.
by yet another josh cohen November 14, 2008
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The spray of yogurt drops that flies out and gets all over your desk or clothes when you open a container of yogurt.
Tracy: Ugh, dude, what's that white stuff all over your shirt?

Mike: That's yogurt spooge. Want some? (offers spoon)
by yet another josh cohen March 17, 2009
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