41 definitions by xyzzy

When a rich divorcée starts seeing a twentysomething, derived from Demi Moore.
"And Mom's trying to demi some young hottie, but she hasn't told him she's had kids."
by xyzzy December 27, 2005
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How a mongoloid spells mongoloid.
The guy above me.
by xyzzy June 8, 2004
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The moment when a show is no longer worth watching due to a very contrived episode. The term comes from the Happy Days Hawaii miniseries.
When did Voyager jump the shark?

A. Seven of Nine
B. The Year of Hell
C. Chakotay's vision quests
D. Day one
by xyzzy May 4, 2005
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Despite the name, neocons are neither new nor conservative. Neocons favor globalization, upper-class tax cuts to bankrupt the government, taxing only earned income, teaching that masturbation can cause pregnancy, banning gay marriage, ruling the world, and election systems which don't have a paper trail. Don't try to converse with neocons; they take any sort of criticism as censorship, and will often resort Serdar Argic-style debate tactics.
Anyone you see on 24-hour news
by xyzzy January 10, 2005
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Fake "tribe" started by one Jerry Eaglefeather, an "Apache" from New York. Refer to real Indians as "casino Indians".
"Can you believe those blackindians? It was bad enough when all the wannabes were white."
by xyzzy February 10, 2005
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An international criminal who will bring law and order to Iraq. At least according to Bush.
Yanno, there are times when I think Baghdad Bob was right; most Americans think Iraqis are retarded, but we are retarded.
by xyzzy September 21, 2004
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