4 definitions by xXIm_Having_A_Manic _EpisodeXx

The attraction to only close friends, aka “homie(s)” regardless of gender or lack thereof.
Chad: You know what? I’m coming out as homiesexual.

🇹🇩: That’s amazing, man! I’m so proud of you.
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Someone who doesn’t identify as a gender.
They were not male nor female, they were in fact, nonbinary.
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A slur mentally handicapped illness fakers call people with actual trauma.
Emily: Wow, you’re such a sysmed.

Person with brain: Fuck you.
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A white SJW that believes in extremist groups like ACAB, KAM, and others. They will frequently talk about how all white people should die, while they are white.
Todd: Beth just said we should jail all cops, what a blue-hair girl.

Jim: what an SJW dumbass.
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