7 definitions by what's a penis?

It's a rare species often living in your mother's bed.
Me, a 7 year old boy: "My mom's bed is full of penises!"
My teacher: "..........."
by what's a penis? February 2, 2023
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Niglet is a young or short nigga. They are often found in Malawi. Niglet's has a speed boost which can be helpful in a police chase, they can also hide easier due to the small size.
Police man nr 1: "Where is that nigga?"
Police man nr 2: "That's no nigga. That my man, is a niglet!"
Police man nr 1: "Let's escape while we still can"
Police man nr 2: "Yes, let's get out of here before he runs up to us and steals our money"
by what's a penis? February 2, 2023
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Something that one person in your class is in dire need of.
you know who i'm talking about. buy him deodorant. right. now.
by what's a penis? February 2, 2023
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